RBulletin – Autumn 2023

We hope you are keeping well and would like to say a very big welcome to our new clients who have joined us in recent months. Autumn is well underway; full of rich colours and scents of pumpkins, bonfires and fireworks. It’s an eventful season and the same applies at RB where activity gears up another level from September onwards. So, we thought it’s time to update you on what’s been going on here over the summer!


Ben Collier and John Douglas have both joined us as welcome additions to the team; Ben is our new Technical Team Leader and John is a Chartered Paraplanner. Both have brought invaluable experience with them and have got off to a great start, settling in really well. Both Ben and John live locally; Ben enjoys playing squash and long walks and John enjoys running and is a long-suffering Huddersfield Town fan!

Luci Tinsley joined us in September as a Business Support Administrator. Luci is a student of Accounting and Finance at Durham University and is learning different aspects of the business during a 40-week placement ending next June. Luci is ultimately considering a career as a Financial Adviser, so this will be a really valuable experience for her to gain an insight into the industry. Luci loves spending time with her dogs, Doug and Ozzy, and playing netball. She brings loads of energy and enthusiasm with her and has got off to a great start.

Sadly, Lee Bridgewater left us in August, but we wish him well as he moves to a national firm to pursue a more specialist technical role in the next stage of his career.

Rebecca Dean passed her R03 Personal Taxation exam in August, a huge achievement, well done Rebecca!

We are delighted to share that Barney Wood has been promoted to Trainee Adviser and begins a 12-month development plan as from October. Barney has already worked extremely hard to reach this stage and we look forward to seeing him grow further and develop into the adviser role.

Activity / Achievements

We were thrilled that Helen Morgan, our Client Services Manager, has been shortlisted again as a finalist in the ‘Professional Adviser – Women in Financial Advice’ awards in the ‘Team Leader of the Year – Small Firms’ category. Helen has been with RB for over 14 years now; she is an asset to our team, and we are keeping everything crossed for her when she attends the glittering awards ceremony in London on the 1st of November.

Our adviser Dan Willers has achieved 10 positive VouchedFor reviews with an average score of 4.8/5 ⭐ Thank you to our clients who have taken the time to leave a review; they mean a lot to our advisers and help to support our business in attracting potential new clients.

Fame is beckoning for Dan who has also released his first podcast, ‘What does financial planning/wellbeing actually mean?’ Definitely worth a listen as Dan answered the questions that Financial Advisers often get asked in a really clear, informative way.

2 local young people, Caitlin and Matthew, spent a week with us on work experience in July. Both really enjoyed their experience and felt inspired to pursue a future career in Financial Services.


If you haven’t yet read our blog ‘Why Invest Money on the Stock Market?’ it might be worth a few minutes of your time. It’s a topical question many are asking right now.

The FCA’s new Consumer Duty legislation came into force on 1st of August 2023. The overriding aim of Consumer Duty is to achieve positive outcomes for clients, and we welcome the challenge to our sector to raise standards and ensure firms add value. At RB we have worked hard to meet the criteria and plan to issue a client survey soon to ask how you think we are doing.


We would like to thank all our clients, partners and connections for your continued support and loyalty and hope you enjoy whatever your plans may be over the coming months.

With best wishes from

The Robertson Baxter Team


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    Awards we’ve received along the way

    2024 – Professional Adviser Women in Finance Awards

    Finalist in 2 categories - Adviser of the Year (North East) - Gillian Shirt and Team Leader of the Year (Small Firms) - Helen Morgan and Joanne Vaughan

    2024 – Yorkshire Financial Awards

    Winner - Financial Adviser Team of the Year

    2024 – Yorkshire Financial Awards

    Winner - Director of the Year

    Joanne Vaughan

    2024 – Yorkshire Financial Awards

    Finalist - Director of the Year

    Antony Barton

    2024 – Yorkshire Financial Awards

    Finalist - Independent Financial Adviser of the Year

    Antony Barton & Gillian Shirt

    2024 – Yorkshire Financial Awards

    Finalist - Trainee of the Year

    Luci Tinsley

    2023 – Professional Adviser Women in Finance Awards

    Finalist - Team Leader of the Year (small/medium firms)

    2023 – Yorkshire Financial Awards

    Finalists - Financial Adviser Team of the Year, Financial Adviser of the Year and Director of the Year

    2022 – Professional Adviser Women in Finance Awards

    Finalists - Role Model of the Year (small/medium firms) and Team Leader of the Year

    2022 – Professional Adviser Awards

    Finalist - Best Adviser Website

    2022 – Yorkshire Financial Awards

    Finalist - Independent Financial Adviser of the Year

    2021 – Professional Adviser Women in Finance Awards

    Finalist in 3 categories - Team Leader of the Year, Role Model of the Year (small / medium firms), Woman of the Year - In-house Adviser Support

    2021 – Yorkshire Financial Awards

    Winner - Rising Star of the Year

    2021 – Yorkshire Financial Awards

    Finalist - Financial Adviser Team of the Year

    2020 – Professional Adviser Women in Finance Awards

    Finalist - Financial Adviser of the Year - North

    2020 – Professional Adviser Women in Finance Awards

    Finalist - Woman of the Year - In-House Adviser Support

    2020 – Professional Paraplanner Awards

    Finalist - Paraplanner of the Year (In-house)

    2020 – Yorkshire Financial Awards

    Finalist - Customer Service Award

    2020 – Yorkshire Financial Awards

    Finalist - Financial Adviser Team of the Year

    2020 – Yorkshire Financial Awards

    Finalist - Rising Star Award

    2019 – Yorkshire Financial Awards

    Finalist - Financial Adviser Team of the Year