Robertson Baxter has been selected to contribute to this year’s publication thanks, according to a spokesperson at The Review ”˜for their dedication to raising standards and improving education in the financial sector.’
Considered to be representing best practice in the sector Stephen Baxter – Managing Director at RB – will have his say on the current opportunities and challenges facing the industry in UK
The Parliamentary Review includes political commentary from journalists, secretaries of state, ministers and businesses. It focuses on specific government policy areas such as finance, healthcare, transport, education, technology and energy.
It aims to share best practice amongst policymakers and business leaders, consisting of discussion from award-winning journalists and business leaders.
“It’s a great honour to be chosen as a best practice representative for the industry,” said Stephen.”
“We have worked tirelessly since Greg and I founded RB 11 years ago doing the right things and creating an environment where we can create the best possible client outcomes.
“The fact that our work has been noticed at the highest level is extremely gratifying.”
Chief editor, the Rt Hon David Curry, the former MP for Skipton and Ripon, added: “It’s companies like Robertson Baxter that make me proud to be from Yorkshire.”
Previous editions have featured forewords from high profile politicians including Prime Ministers Theresa May and David Cameron. Organisations that have featured in The Parliamentary Review include Centrica, Christie NHS Foundation Trust and many others.
The Parliamentary Review’s release is marked by an annual gala at the Palace of Westminster which will be attended by both founders of the business Stephen Baxter and Greg Robertson.